Wesmark Ambulatory Surgery Center

420 W. Wesmark Boulevard
Sumter, SC 29150

Wesmark Ambulatory Surgery Center

420 W. Wesmark Boulevard
Sumter, SC 29150

Patient Rights and Responsibilities


Access to care

  • Patients have the right to access necessary surgical and/or procedural interventions that are medically indicated.
  • Patients, family members, and/or designees are included in ethical discussions of and decisions affecting the patient’s care.
  • Marketing or advertising regarding the competence and capabilities of the organization is not misleading to patients and/or support persons

Respectful and considerate care

  • Patients will be treated with respect, compassion, and consideration in a clean and safe environment.
  • Patients are treated with dignity and without discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, or source of payment.
  • The patient has the right to be free of restraint except when indicated to protect the patient or others from injury.
  • Patient has the right to be free from all forms of abuse or harassment.

Privacy and confidentiality

  • Patients have the right to every consideration of personal privacy.
  • Any patient case discussion, consultation, examination, and treatment will be conducted so as to protect each patient’s privacy.

Information about treatment

  • Patients are provided, to the degree known, information concerning their diagnosis, evaluation, treatment, and prognosis. When it is medically inadvisable to give such information to a patient, the information is provided to a person designated by the patient or to a legally authorized person.
  • Patients are given the opportunity to participate in decisions involving their health care, except when such participation is contraindicated for medical reasons.
  • Patients will receive information as necessary to provide informed consent for any planned procedure.
  • Patients have the right to consent or decline in research affecting their care.
  • When the need arises, reasonable attempts are made for health care professionals and other staff to communicate in the language or manner used by patients.
  • Patients have the right to information prior to the day of services regarding the center’s fees for services and payment policies.
  • Patients will be informed of the absence of malpractice insurance, if applicable.

Refusal of Care

  • Patients have the right to refuse care to the extent provided by law and to be informed of the potential consequences of this refusal.
  • Patient has the right to be informed of their right to change their provider if other qualified providers are available.




  • Patients are responsible for providing accurate and complete information to the best of his/her ability regarding their health status, medical history, and current medications, including over-the-counter products and dietary supplements, and any allergies or sensitivities.
  • Patients are responsible for reporting any change in their condition during the present course of treatment and recovery.
  • Patients are responsible for participating in care decisions and for asking questions when they do not understand the information provided.

Respecting others

  • Patients have the responsibility to be considerate of others, including health care professionals and staff, as well as other patients, and to respect their rights, privacy, and property.


  • Patients are responsible for adhering to the plan of treatment by following instructions, participating in his/her care, keeping appointments, and cooperating with care providers who assist with carrying out the plan(s) of care.
  • Patients are responsible for providing a responsible adult to transport him/her home from the facility and remain with him/her for twenty-four (24) hours, if required by his/her provider.
  • Patients are responsible for recognizing the effect of lifestyle choices on their personal health.

Financial obligations

  • Patients are responsible for providing complete and accurate third party payer information and meeting any outstanding financial obligations related to the services received.
  • Patients are responsible for accepting personal financial responsibility for any charges not covered by his/her insurance.
  • Collaboration and agreement of payment policies and fees for services will be documented.



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